Thursday, 27 March 2014

Still old.

So here it is, 
part two of my birthday treats.
I feel so lucky to have such amazing people in my life.
They all know me so well.

My sister and i are obsessed with the emperor's new groove,
we quote it to each other all the time.

I've recently got into reading comics, 
not superhero comics, 
there are others!!
I didn't know this, lol, felt well stupid when i discovered them,
i was enlightened.
Tank Girl is my hero, i love her,
have you seen the film?
Go watch it!

Another obsession.
Ace Ventura.
My boyfriend and i have so many heated discussions about which is better,
The first one, or the second one.
*ahem-when nature calls*
I want to marry Jim Carrey though. 
Send him my way.

So....i've realised that a lot of the things i am into are based on tv shows or films...
what does that say about me!?
Breaking bad pins are never a bad thing.
I love wood engraving and burning so think these are to die for.
My friend got me my own personal rocket,
so i can escape when i need to and immerse myself in the wonder that is the universe.

If you're not interested in my birthday haul then i'm sorry,
for me though, seeing what people got for their birthday or christmas is my favourite kind of post!
Mainly because i always discover new things,
new shops, new artists. 
Because i read blogs that interest me, i always find i connect to the person a little more
after seeing what they get from people who know them.

So...onto the big debate...
Ace Ventura or Ace Ventura:When Nature Calls?

AND WHY!?!?!? 

A couple of extras from my ipad...
Boyfriend thought it would be hilarious to get me a Tororo onesie.
Joke's on him because i'm never taking it off.

Also got a new head protector for summer,
my ice hockey team, Boston Bruins.


  1. Happy belated! I really like the layout of your blog :)

    Do you want to win some wish bracelets? I just posted a giveaway! Would appreciate if you checked out my blog

    1. Ah thanks angela!
      I'm heading over to your blog right now :) x

  2. Man, you got such cool gifts! I really love the ace ventura figurine and the tank girl comic. Yessss.

    Happy birthday!

    1. Thankeeee :) ace ventura is my childhood ha, i recently got a ventura inspired tattoo! x


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