Sunday, 30 March 2014

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

That's a quote right??
I'm pretty sure i read that somewhere...

So this week i did something i've been wanting to do for years,
i made an artists page for myself on facebook,

Mega scary, but i bit the bullet and i did it!

I'm still scared, 
still filled with self doubt,
but this little step has been incredible for me.

I feel like everything has fallen into place.
I want to do this,
i want to open an etsy shop,
i want to draw!
I want people to enjoy my creations and laugh along with me.

This may not seem a big deal to most people,
but to anyone struggling with not knowing where they want to be in life,
what they want to 'do',
anyone with anxieties and depression,
any introverts...
you get it right?

These are a few of my newer drawings.
The achievement rosettes are part of a series to do with everyday successes.
You will find more work on my new page,
wink wink,
over HERE on facebook!
[aggressive link text lol]

If you like it, please like it.
Share it even.
It would mean the absolute world to me to get to 100 likes by this time next week.
I'll be holding a giveaway when i get to 100 likes for a print of your choice,

Hope everyone's having a good sunday,
especially you mums!


  1. I'm so happy for you! It takes a lot of guts to share your work with the world.

    I really love the 'totes' drawing and I laughed so much at the 'wore a bra all day' merit. not wearing a bra. So I don't win that one today.

    I have gladly liked your facebook page. x

    1. Thanks so much josie!! I honestly never wear a bra when i don't have to, so i don't usually get that merit either, that's why it's an achievement when i do ha!! Thanks for liking :) x

  2. I have followed and they are awesome! You brave girl getting yourself out there and everything x

    1. Thanks :) :) i just opened the shop, im freaking out over here hah!! i love the cross stitch you posted on IG today, so good!xx


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