Sunday, 12 May 2013

Sunday Summary

1. Making a playlist for the birthday party 2. De-tangling and bagging necklaces
3. Organising jewellery 4. Boyfriend wafted this stack under my nose while i was working out!
5. Finally got around to cleaning my make up brushes

As well as all of the above, I watched 'I give it a year' during the week.
Apparently it's the 'best british comedy since something', i didn't pay attention, but i don't think it deserves the accolade!
I found it a bit boring, slow, and predictable. Even the 'surprise' ending.
Not so surprising.
You can kind of see where it's going from the start.
The actors were great, it just bored me.

I also finished reading A Perfect Retreat and loved it. 
Chic lit with a sense of humour is my favourite.
Will be posting a full review about it soonsies.

It was my mum's birthday party yesterday and all of her surprises were revealed so i can finally relax! 
Lots of photos to share and stories to tell you about.

Also, if anyone has a UK Discount store near them, the one with the pink and black logo, get down to it! In the week i picked up 2 Dainty Doll eyeshadows and an eyeshadow base for £1 each.
Yes. £1. Each.

Today i slept until 13:30.
It's now half 5 and i'm ready for bed again!
Ah the perils of the late 20's!

Hope everyone has had a nice, easy week and it's not been as crazy hectic as mine!


  1. aw i found i give it a year hilarious! shame you didn't like it! :(
    Alice x

    1. i know, i was really looking forward to it! i liked the characters and their chemistry, but i just couldn't get into it :( wah!


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