Saturday, 1 June 2013

A bundle of Things & Ink

I don't know about you guys, but a couple of my favourite things in life are;
closely followed by really good paper. 

Does that make me a nerd? 
Do i care?

I've discovered something amazing, something beautiful, a light in these dark days...
Things & Ink  magazine. 
It's released quarterly, and is £10 an issue.

Seems a bit steep for a magazine.
But people, this is not just a magazine.
It is glorious!
The design, the stock [that's paper for all y'all uneducated folk >.<],
the articles, the covers!
So many things.
So many inks!

You tell me you wouldn't flick through this if you saw it!

My absolute favourite thing about these magazines is that the back is just as pretty as the front.
Look at that! No bar code, no adverts.
Pure beauty.

Look who should pop up in the launch issue! 
The ever inspiring and beautiful Beth from My Arched Eyebrow.
Love this chic.

I fell in love with this star gazer tattoo.
A variation of it has been added to my 'must tattoo' list.

Oh the photography.
I literally swooned at this gypsy girls spread.

The reason i got the bundle, Rachel Baldwin was on the cover!
I love this girl. Full on heart her.
I first noticed her at MMU,
[i'm not a stalker]
 she was a year or two above me on a different art course.
I loved her paintings, then she started tattooing.
I asked if she would draw me a rose to get tattooed and she sent me 3!
So chuffed. 
Again, not a stalker.
Now my aim in life is to get a gypsy girl tattooed by her.
Either that or something studio ghibli based.
That totoro/gin tattoo is my favourite tattoo she's done.
I love her style.
I'm so happy that she's getting the recognition she so deserves.

If you love tattoos, you will love this magazine.
Luckily they have a bundle offer on at the minute,
all 3 issues for £20.

So happy i bought this, i cannot wait for the next issue.
September can't come quick enough!!

Do any of you guys have tattoos?
Would you be interested in seeing mine?


  1. I got my bundle delivered yesterday, new favoirite magazine for sure! You should post pictures of your tattoos :) x

    1. Oof it's such a pretty magazine right!! I love it! Going to have to take some decent photos now ha! x


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