Friday, 7 October 2011

 Hello hello, i am back!! Back to blogging and back to my lovely adopted home town, Berlin!!

This is my new view. Gorgeous no? All the leaves are changing and the air is getting crisp. It's still warm enough to leave the house without a coat, long sleeves maybe, no layers yet. Not like all these mental Berliners, i've never seen a population wear so many layers in such a great heat! Winter i can understand, it gets pretty nippy here, but summer? Granted, it is the end of summer now, however i saw people wearing a myriad of layers a few months ago. Crazy.

I've been out exploring the 'new area' and have discovered that it's not very new at all. I know where everything is, i know where to find certain shops, buildings, tram stops etc. It's basically where i want to live. We're sandwiched between a deli (geddit geddit!) and an amazing cocktail bar. Drinks are super cheap, way cheaper than i've seen here. They don't use measures, just bung everything in. The floor is not a floor, it is sand. Yes, the bar is a beach inside. Finally, and most importantly i think, they bring you complimentary pretzel sticks. Woo :) Oh yeh, and did i mention it's right next door?!

Dave Hause, Joe Ginsberg (bass), Jon Gaunt (fiddle),  Brian Fallon, Chuck Ragan and Dan Andriano.

After arriving late Tuesday night, and cleaning the flat all of Wednesday, on Thursday we went to a gig, the Revival tour. What a show. They were all amazing, can't fault anything, felt the music in my heart and that's all that mattered. Dave Hause really blew me away though, his little 'set' was too good. Chucks harmonica playing was insane. Brian Fallon can do things with his voice that do things to my soul, no joke. That boy can SING! 

Highlight of my night was watching this guy. Joe Ginsberg. I can say no more. Whenever i hear a stand up bass it just gets me. He really knows how to play his bass.

Swooning over! A little sneak peak of our lovely new accommodation for the next 3 months. It's dead nice and spacious, lots of room for our (my) crap.

The t.v corner. The best corner! We watched the new Office this week. I nearly fell off the couch from laughing. So good. I think Steve Carrell leaving has really given it a bit of an injection that it needed. I love Michael Scott, but he made a good decision leaving. Robert California is pretty awesome.
I foresee lots of hilarious new storylines. 

Also, watching The New Girl with Zooey Deschanel (huge crush.)
It's worth a watch if you can. If you are a bit of a girl nerd, you will totally relate to Jess.

I shall end with a sexy photo of my round face. Popped into c&a, yes, i am THAT cool, for a bag and i found a studded bucket bag, yay, and a little bobble hat, should have been €41 but i got it for €25. 
Here i am doing a victory pose in my new hat.

Much love all, coming up this week.....

> catching up with more american tv
> gig tonight, Red City Radio, plus a trip to Burgermeister
> eating out somewhere yet to be decided
> a trip into Lush to get some bath bombs because i now have a bath again!!

Peas xx


  1. Ich liebe Berlin! Reckon it's my favourite city, think I'm just obsessed with anything to do with Germany- very jealous you're living there :) xxx

  2. ah yes, berlin is gorgeous! i think people totally overlook it as a destination, we need to spread the word!! xx


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