Monday, 28 November 2011


Hello everyone! 
Well, what a busy month i've had. 
The boyfriend's parents visited, we've had lots of gigs, our ice hockey team The Bruins had a 10 game winning streak, i got a small babysitting job, started the 30 day shred. Much to tell!

I can't believe it's almost December. We made a pact this year to decorate the flat on the 1st, which is THURSDAY!!!  I'm a wee bit excited lol, i love christmas, i love decorating and making and baking!
I am happy to say i've bought all of my presents and they are at home, in my cupboard, awaiting my arrival on the 17th. I can't wait to get back and see them all and wrap them.

It's my sister's birthday when she visits in a couple of weeks (!!!!) so i've been making her some birthday pom pom garlands. We have a family tradition where we decorate the dining room table with presents, cake, sweets and balloons. It's so much fun, but i won't be home for her birthday this year :( sad face. Instead she is coming to me in Berlin! 
Best birthday ever.
Especially when you live next door to a Bahamas bar with sand as a carpet and €4 giant cocktails!

Yesterday was the first advent sunday. The German tradition is to have a wreath on the table with four candles, you light each one each sunday leading up to christmas. I'm not holy or churchy, but i remember doing it when i was little and it reminds me of Germany so i have to do it!
We didn't get a wreath, to be quite honest we just couldn't be arsed making one, so i made a make shift advent candle. You like!? I hope we have 4 candles otherwise i'm going to need to find some more ha!

After making my sister's garland i got jealous and wanted my own, so i made a christmas one, and then put it on my head as a hat. Fancy, no?

I have fallen in love with that bobble pom pom jumper on the Monki site, but i can't afford it at the minute, and i'm probably too big for it, so i'm thinking of making my own.....could look a bit awkward though i think.

The biggest news this month is that i FINALLY, yes, FINALLY started the 30 day shred. This is my new favourite treat, peanut butter on banana. Mmmm, seriously delish. 
I'm currently on day 8, well, today is day 8 but i am putting it off. I just don't feel motivated, i will do it, just can't get the dvd in!!

A usual Saturday for me and the boyf includes a trip to the record store. This weekend i found the Thin Lizzy 'Live and Dangerous' album and i had to have it. Seriously. I went into proper full on sulk mode 'please please please please pleeeeaaaaaasssseeeeee'.

I got it! Yay! Love Thin Lizzy. Thing is, i don't like any other of those big stadium rock bands, ACDC, Kiss, etc. Just this band. I think they're music's a bit different, it's got a bit more soul. I don't know. I just like it lol. 
We also got the Elvis Christmas Album, which i am not allowed to touch until deccy night (!!!), and the Amy Winehouse Ska e.p, which is amazing. 

On a final note, lookit my lovely cat shoes! I've been wearing these T.U.K cat shoes for about 3 or 4 years now, but the plain black creeper type ones. These are my first pair of the mary jane style with that heel and they are gorgeous! Only problem is they literally ripped a hole in each of my heels!
You know when you wear in a new pair of Docs? Yeah, just like that.

So tonight i am babysitting, it's really fun, i get to draw and play and not talk a lot without grown ups judging me. Love it. 

So, after a long break, for no other reason than i kept putting off writing this post, i bid you adieu :)

Speak again soon, i am doing lots of xmas crafting so i have much to share!!

Is everyone else sorted for Christmas? Visited the markets yet? 
Oooooh :) x

Monday, 7 November 2011


I made a gingerbread man out of felt this weekend.

He looks rubbish, i can't think what it is....maybe it's his scary face?

I told my boyfriend i was worried about it coming to life in the night, i woke up this morning and it was missing. I went looking for mr gingerbread and found him warming himself up in the oven with the meringues i made last night. 


Loving that Frankie is still in X-Factor, i find it truly hilarious. People are getting so worked up about it! He's not going to win, and who cares if he does?! It doesn't really affect your life does it?
He is rubbish, and he totally RUINED a classic Clash song, but he winds Louis up so much that it makes it a little worth it. 

So that is the extent of my weekend, oh, as well as an impromptu watching of The Lion King which was amazing! 


Saturday, 5 November 2011

Beyond The Grave

I got a tattoo a few years ago. 
My Opa died and i wanted to get something done for him, to demonstrate how much he meant to me. As i was planning the design it occurred to me that if i got a tattoo for everyone i knew that passed away, i'd be struggling for space. So i decided to get a memory tattoo, so to speak.  

A way to collectively pay my respects, and remember people that have been lost.

This is the tattoo i got. 
It's pretty self explanatory. There is a couple, this expresses love. Whether it is heart wrenching love for a partner, or that bonded by blood love for a parent or family member, it symbolises love as a whole. 
The scroll, 'Beyond The Grave', literally means i will always remember, no matter what, because i have this little reminder on my arm.

One of my oldest friends had some terrible news recently. It's impossible to know how something like this affects people. You hear all the time about tragedies and you feel sympathy, but you can never really fully understand how to feel until it happens to you, or to someone you know. I find myself getting on with my day, but every so often i'll remember, and i have to catch my breath. 

I love my friend so much. She was the first and best friend i ever made in England so she is a very big part of my life. She truly is the strongest person i know. I wish i had her strength, because I have never felt so far away at such a pivotal moment in her life. I hope she knows that if she needs me, even for a hug, she just needs to ask and i will find a way. Even if that means flying alone!
I think she knows though.

The world lost an extraordinary person this week, a kind, genuine, 'salt of the earth' guy, but he will forever be remembered, because he is of course, in all our hearts, and with us always with the memories we hold.


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